

The Programming Division includes the following convention departments:

  • Chibi Katsu (children’s programming) – panels and workshops for kids.
  • Japanese Cultural Institute (JCI) Programming – panels with a focus on Japanese culture or the cultural aspects of Anime.
  • Japanese Fashion (J-Fashion) – panels with a focus on Japanese street or high fashion including Lolita, Gyaru, Decora Kei, Visual Kei, etc.
  • Karaoke – dedicated space for attendees to sing along to recorded music, we provide the microphone you provide the vocal talent!
  • Live Programming – all types of fan panels.  Panelist Registration is also managed by this department.
  • Video Programming – dedicated space for attendees to view a diverse selection of anime, gaming, and pop culture video content through carefully selected screening of movies and series.
  • Workshops – workshops with a craft or demonstration component.  Can be demonstration, make and take craft, or performance (dance, yoga, etc) based.

Programming is responsible for the fan panel applications for Katsucon. 

Is there a topic you’re passionate about?

Do you like to excite the masses with your intense anime knowledge??

Are you getting pumped to do a panel just from reading this???

If running a fan panel or workshop is something you’re interested in, then you should apply for Katsucon 2024! 

Please make sure to review the information below submitting a panel/workshop application.  This webpage contains all the pertinent information for running fan panels at Katsucon.

Information for running a panel includes:

  • Application Process and Guidelines
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Panelist Badge and Registration Information

Application Process and Guidelines

Katsucon 2024 – Fan Panel and Workshop Application Process


Please make sure to review the information for Panelist Registration before submitting an application to make sure you understand the process for getting a badge to the convention if you are applying to run a fan panel or workshop. 

Application Deadlines:

  • Applications close on October 15, 2023 at 11:59 PM
  • Estimated completion date for notifications: December 1, 2023.
    • Please be aware that the panel application review processes will take several weeks after the deadline.  All applicants will receive a response on or before the December 1st notification date.

Panel Event Application Form

The following rules apply to the panel event application process:

  • The Applicant who submits the application is considered the Lead Panelist.  The Lead Panelist will be the sole point of contact for the panel.
  • A valid email address is required for the Lead Panelist. 
  • The application form must be filled out in its entirety with legal names (first and last name) for no more than two (2) panelists for each panel. Anyone who is not named in the application may not be able to qualify for the Panelist Badge.
  • Preparation is key. Complete the request form accurately and ensure your topic is relevant. Your descriptions should match your panel’s title and content and demonstrate thoughtfulness towards your presentation.
  • An automated email confirmation should occur immediately after submission of the application. If you do not receive an email confirmation then there is an issue with your application, please contact us directly to confirm the application has been received. 
  • One application is for one panel, if you want to run the same panel twice, or run additional panels then you must submit a separate application form for each panel.  

Questions? Contact the Programming Division if you have any questions by emailing us at: [email protected]

Information for the Panel Application Process

  • Panel Application Review Process
    • Once panel submissions close October 15th it generally takes several weeks to review all panel submissions, schedule panels, and finalize information before the Programming departments send out Acceptance, Waitlist, and Denied notifications. 
    • If your panel is accepted the confirmation email may include the tentative time and date for your panel.  Note that dates and times are subject to change leading up to the convention. It is the responsibility of the panelist to check the Guidebook once it is released and confirm the final time of the panel.
    • Every effort will be made to schedule panels as close to the requested time as possible.
  • Panel Statuses
    • Accepted – the panel will be included on the convention schedule, and you qualify to receive a panelist badge.
    • Denied – the panel was not accepted and will not be included in the convention.
    • Waitlisted – the panel is currently in a pending status, meaning we are interested in hosting the panel at the convention but are not able to include it in the schedule at this time.  Waitlisted panels may be moved onto the schedule if other panels get cancelled.  This can happen anytime up until December 17th, 2023.
    • The deadline to request a REFUND for your regular attendee badge is January 4, 2024.
      If you are accepted for a panel and need to request a refund for a regular attendee badge it is your responsibility to request the refund before the deadline.

General Rules for Panels

Food in Panels

Note that food is NOT allowed to be served to attendees.  If a panel includes a food demonstration it would be limited to live preparation of food.  The Attendees cannot sample food; food is ONLY for demonstration purposes to comply with hotel rules and regulations.  NO chemicals of any kind will be permitted.

Changes in dates and times for scheduled panels

Dates and times are subject to change up until the convention.  If a panel is accepted, the department selecting the panel may provide a tentativedate and time, however we strongly suggest looking at the schedule in Guidebook once it goes live.

Changes to named individuals presenting a panel

Names are tied to registration, any changes in the name for panelists must be approved by the Programming Division.  In the event any changes occur after submitting the panel then you must contact us directly. 

Panelist Badges

Panelists must have a Katsucon 2024 badge to run a panel for the convention.  If your panel is accepted, then you will qualify to receive a Panelist Badge for free.  There is a maximum of two (2) panelists for each panel that qualify to receive a Panelist Badge.  This is to the Lead Panelist and one (1) other.