NOTE: Due to Covid-19 Guidelines, these policies are subject to change. Please check regularly.
Code of Conduct
Katsucon is a family and friend-oriented convention. We want all attendees of our convention to have fun and be safe. Our main rule is “be polite and friendly.”
Katsucon does not tolerate harassment of any kind. Whether it’s based-on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, height, weight, planet of origin, or any other physical or civilized beliefs. This applies to all attendees, guests, panelists, staff, and/or hotel employees. Harassment is defined as derogatory comments, stalking, aggressive behavior, unnecessary intentional physical contact of others, or altercations of any sort. If you believe you have been a victim of harassment, please find a Katsucon Public Safety staff member as soon as it occurs. Please present details calmly and concisely. If you feel your safety is at risk, we want to know about it and stop it before it affects more people. If you feel our staff has not been able to meet your needs, or if you have further questions/concerns, please request a Chair come to your location.
The hotel, convention space, and surrounding businesses are not dedicated completely for Katsucon use for the weekend. Members of the general public or other groups stay or visit the hotel to dine and socialize, or travel as this is considered a resort. Please be considerate and respectful of non-convention individuals at all times.
General Rules
- Please do not damage the convention space or hotel rooms. This includes painting or sketching on walls, slamming doors, stickering the walls/doors, etc.
- Do not hang any flyers on any wall or other surface of the convention space; we will have a specialized area for hanging/placing flyers.
- Please wear your attendee badge so that they are clearly visible above the waist at all times. There will be badge checkers throughout the convention space and you will be asked to return with your badge if you do not have it on you in order to access convention areas.
- Many hallways have tape on the floor to indicate where the “traffic lanes” (where we need to keep moving), “parking areas” (where we can stand and hang out), “caution areas” (where we need to keep moving/be careful, i.e., tops and bottoms of escalators), “restricted areas” (where we should only for a specific purpose) and “photo areas” (where you can take pictures) are. Please keep an eye out for this tape and respect any Katsucon or Gaylord staffer who is trying to keep the hallways moving and doorways clear, a lot of people are trying to get to different places they want to go in the convention.
- Katsucon, KEI, and the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center (GNRCC) are not responsible for missing items. Any bag(s) or other item left unattended around the convention space will likely be picked up by either a Katsucon staffer or another attendee and be taken to Lost and Found in Katsucon Security (in the Prince George’s Coat Check on the Exhibition Hall level) or to the Gaylord, please check with both places to locate your item. The item may be turned over to the police if deemed necessary.
- Please step off the main path to take photos. If someone asks you for a photo, please make sure you step out of the way of traffic, entrances, stairs, and escalators so that everyone else can still get by and no one gets trampled.
- Keep noise volumes to a minimum when on the hotel room floors and inside the rooms. If noise levels become excessive, Gaylord staff may come to address the concern or complaint. Please be mindful and considerate of your surroundings and people.
- You must be 21 years of age to possess, purchase, drink, or transport alcohol. Private parties off the convention space are the responsibility of the individuals throwing the party. Do not carry any open alcoholic beverages around the convention area. Please remain within the confines of your home or hotel room if intoxicated. If Katsucon staff deems that you are too intoxicated to be in convention center spaces, you will be asked to leave of your own accord. Further action could result in being escorted off the premises, removal of your badge by Katsucon leadership, and being reported to the Prince George’s County Police Department.
- Don’t run, horseplay, or throw things inside convention space.
- Don’t carry a radio, iPod or other device that is playing music at a loud volume
- Bags/Packs/Purses are not allowed in the following areas of the convention:
- Video Game Rooms: Coat check will be available next door to these rooms for you to leave your bag/pack/purse. See Coat Check hours for availability.
- Art Show: Staff will have coat racks available upon which attendees can hang their bags/packs/purses and coats as the enter Art Show.
- Dances and Concerts: See below
- Sales at the event are only permitted within the Merchants Hall and Artist’s Alley. Sales within these halls are subject to their internal policies that are posted on their pages on the website.
- If a person is discovered performing sales outside of these halls either in the convention or in the hotel, they will be warned the first time. If the sales persist after the formal warning, the person’s badge will be forfeit and they will be escorted from the venue.
Dances and Concerts
- No outside food or drink
- No drugs or alcohol
- No large coats
- No props on strings – must crack glowsticks before entering
- No bags EXCEPT:
- Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl or PVC and do not exceed 12″ x 6″ x 12.”
- One-gallon clear plastic freezer bag (Ziploc bag or similar).
- The clear bag must be utilized during the dance.
- Attendees are not allowed to bring empty prohibited bags to transfer their items into upon entry.
- An
exception will be made for medically necessary items
- These items MUST be tagged by the first aid desk!
18+ Events
To save you time and hassle, we will be issuing wristbands to attendees who wish to view/attend/participate in 18+ programming at Katsucon. To obtain an Over 18 wristband, you must be over legal age of 18 years by convention time. Please bring your government issued photo ID (Drivers License, State ID, Passport, Military ID – the same one you use for picking up your badge). While registration is open you can receive your wristband from a table setup by the registration area. When registration is closed you can get the wristband from Public Safety in the Prince George’s Coat Check (on the same floor as Registration, under the escalator). Wristbands will be free, and available 24 hours a day. If you lose your wristband you may come for a replacement at any time. ID’s will not be accepted at the door to events this year, so please make sure to get your wristbands ahead of time. Wristbands may not be shared, traded, given to another person, or picked up for another person; doing so is a violation of your agreement with the convention and may cause you to be ejected from the convention. See Guidebook for details.
NOTE: Katsucon is not responsible for any items left at the bag check areas described above. You may need to wait in line to get into the Dealer’s Room or major events; please follow staff directions as to where the line is located. Convention Guests, staff, associates, and persons with disabilities will be called for advanced entry into events. Please see our Disability Services page for more details.
Medical Necessity Bag Check Policy
As an exception to the general rule of “No Bags” inside dances, there are exceptions for what is deemed a “medical necessity bag.” Medical necessity bags are those that carry medication or medical devices that could be needed in case of emergency for a serious medical condition (ex. Inhalers, epi pens, insulin, diabetic testing supplies, etc.) This does not apply for general medications or over the counters such as vitamins, cough suppressants, etc.
Medical necessity bags should not be overly large and in general should be just large enough to comfortably hold the medically necessary items (i.e., inhalers should be in a fanny pack or clutch purse, not a backpack).
In general, size guidelines should follow 4.5” x 6.5” or smaller that can have a single over the shoulder, or cross-body strap, a fanny pack or small thigh bag, or be handheld (such as a clutch purse). Bags should have a zipper closure to be able to be secured by the on-site First Aid team and discourage the addition of prohibited items inside the dance.
If you believe your bag qualifies for medical necessity, it is required that it be taken to the on-site First Aid team. Your bag is subject to search and the First Aid team may ask about the medically necessary items in the bag and determine if the size/type justifies necessity. If the bag and medications are deemed compliant your bag will be sealed with a zip tie through the zipper and marked with a medical tag. In case of emergency, the zip tie can be removed and the medical tag will be a visual alert to any staff or responder of the presence of medical necessities.
Cosplay Prop Guidelines
We will be inspecting all prop weapons that are brought to the convention. Props will be tagged and must be tagged to be carried about in and around the Gaylord. Prop weapon inspection is located in the convention center on the ballroom level at the Maryland Registration Desk C.
Weapons Policy
Weapons policies at Katsucon are for your (and others’) safety, and include (but are not limited to) the following:
Non-Permitted Weapons
- NO METAL WEAPONS will be permitted on the premises of Gaylord National Convention Center and Resort (GNRCC), without exception. This is defined as:
- Swords, spears, bayonets, and knives (regardless of whether they are sheathed)
- Star knives and shuriken
- Metal gun/firearm props (regardless of functionality).
- Other components (metal or non-metal) of costumes or props which may be sharp, capable of taking an edge, or are otherwise potentially a safety risk, are subject to approval by Katsucon Public Safety Staff and leadership.
- The ONLY exception to this rule is that metal armor (chain, scale, plate) is now permitted, pending it contains no sharp edges. All armor is subject to inspection at-con to ensure it is not sharp or otherwise poses a safety risk/hazard.
- NO PROJECTILE WEAPONS OF ANY KIND will be permitted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Real or antique firearms (to include replica or “demilled”)
- Air rifle, air gun, air pistol, B-B gun, spring gun, blowgun, bow gun, bean shooter, sling, projectile, dart.
- Airsoft (or similar type) guns, regardless of whether functional or not, are strictly prohibited. A non-functional Airsoft gun with no moving parts is still an Airsoft gun.
- Stun guns and Tasers
- The ONLY exceptions to this rule are: nonfunctional nerf and water guns (that cannot fire and contain no projectiles/liquid). Functional versions of these will be immediately removed from the convention space.
- NO COMPOUND BOWS are permitted within the GNRCC.
- Additionally, authentic arrows (tipped or non-tipped), including crossbow bolts and other projectiles, will not be permitted.
- NO “PADDLES” of any sort will be permitted at the convention.
- This includes, but is not limited to, Yaoi/Yuri Paddles.
- NO NUNCHAKU of any kind will be permitted.
- Nunchaku are defined as two sticks or other body connected at their ends with a short chain or rope. Two sticks can be made of any material, or shape.
- NO EXPLOSIVES or CHEMICALS of any kind including, but not limited to:
- Smoke powder, sparklers, or fireworks of any kind.
If it is illegal in the limits of Prince George’s County, it is illegal inside the GNRCC.
Illegal weapons WILL be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Permitted Prop Weapons
- Staffs, bo sticks, bokken, shinai, and wooden swords will be permitted as long as they are handled responsibly and meet all other criteria.
- Resin cast or solid rubber model guns (such as red/blue training weapons) that are easily identifiable as toys/props, or are clearly marked with a non-removable orange tip.
- Fake, prop, or made-up weapons (i.e., made of tissue paper, plaster of Paris, cloth) are permitted if they are safe and not dangerous to others around you.
- Examples of dangerous conditions include, but are not limited to, items that may trip others, items that can snag on people or surroundings, items that obstruct doors and hallways.
- Prop weapons shall be limited to less than six feet six inches (6’6″) in height and less than fifty pounds (50lbs) in weight.
- Any chain must be less than three feet (3′) in length regardless of material. This includes, but is not limited to, chain wallets and non-costume chains.
- Bows may be carried in the convention space, provided they are NOT strung with authentic bowstring, and any alternative material used (e.g., twine, yarn, any other non-functioning material) is not attached to the bow in a taut (tight) fashion.
- All bows must comply with all other general policies – no live steel or sharp edges, and not more than 6’6″ in height. Prop or toy arrows clearly marked as such are allowed. If our staff feels your bow or materials do not meet all of these criteria, you’ll be asked to remove the prop immediately from the convention space.
- Costume Whips are allowed, but must be checked by Katsucon Public Safety and secured to prevent use on self or other attendees within in the convention space. All whips will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Behavior with Weapons/Armor/Props
- Misuse of a weapon, armor, or prop (such as swinging it in a public area or posing a hazard to others, as determined by staff) will result in the weapon or prop being deemed unsafe for the convention, and you will be asked to remove the item from the convention center.
- All props and weapons brought into the convention will be inspected for policy compliance by authorized Katsucon Public Safety staff and/or leadership, including those that may have had prior approval (other conventions, previous conventions, or pre-convention approval by Katsucon staff).
- Any item that poses a potential safety hazard may need to be removed from the convention.
- This includes any costume, prop, or accessory that obstructs doors or hallways, or otherwise poses any kind of danger to other attendees, staff, or convention center property.
- Wheeled vehicles, carts, props, shoes & skates are not permitted inside the GNRCC. The only exception is for wheelchairs and other ADA compliant mobility devices.
- The use of drones and RC aircraft are not permitted inside the GNRCC.
- If in doubt, check with Katsucon staff.
NOTE: Katsucon’s Weapons policy is subject to change before, during, or after the convention, and changes may be made with or without advance written notification. All decisions pertaining to the Katsucon Weapons Policy made by the Convention Chair, KEI, or their designees are final. All updates will be provided as soon as possible and posted clearly, but any changes determined necessary by Katsucon staff will be immediate and binding in the current convention period.
Dress Code/Costume Policy
While Katsucon does not have a dress code of our own, we support and respect the wishes of the GNRCC. GNRCC does have some things we’ll need to bear in mind:
- All attendees must have their private areas covered at all times. Material must extend at least one (1) inch above the nipple and below/to the sides of the breast, and at least one (1) inch above the pubic area and below the crotch/buttocks.
- This coverage must remain in place while moving/bending/posing/etc., so if your cosplay (or street clothes) rides up/down, please extend it, find a way to secure it, or wear something under it. Shirt coverings must be worn at all times, by both sexes.
- Mesh shirts are allowed if they provide the required coverage of sensitive areas. Taping over the nipples will not suffice. Capes will not be accepted in place of shirts – if you’re wearing one, please wear a shirt underneath.
- A general visual representation of our dress/costume policy can be seen with the diagram below.

Attendees with props are subject to the Weapons Policy. Please familiarize yourself with that policy as well, as your prop may be required to be peace bound by Katsucon Public Safety Staff. A member of staff will review the rules with you briefly and have you place a zip tie on your prop if it falls under one of the required categories. Failure to abide by the rules at any time may result in removal from the convention without refund.
The lack of a costume is not a costume (ex. only wearing a nude body suit). We have no problem with risqué costumes, however, please keep the following in mind when planning, designing, and constructing your costumes:
- You may be required to wear a nude body suit under your costume if your costume would be considered inappropriate for a family friendly convention or if the convention center staff feels it violates their image.
- There will be minors present at the convention and not every parent is ok with their child seeing excessive amounts of skin. Please remember this is a family friendly event.
- There will be hundreds of people taking pictures at Katsucon, and those pictures will most likely end up displayed on the internet, across any number of Social Media websites. Anything you do not wish the world to see should remain covered.
- Consequentially intentional flashing of any kind (even if you are wearing a full flesh colored body suit) can result in immediate removal from the convention and the GNRCC.
- The convention floor and public areas are not changing rooms, do not remove your clothing or change costumes in open space, there are bathrooms located in the convention center if you do not have a room to change in.
- Body paint and dried liquids (such as fake blood) are allowed as part of your costume but must be properly sealed so it does not rub off, to prevent damage of the convention space and/or the costumes or clothing of other attendees. If we see you are making a mess, you will be asked to leave.
Staff will attempt to give advanced notice for any events that specifically prohibit full-face cosplay masks. The following events/locations may require such:
- Merchant’s Hall
- Dances
- Formal Ball
If at any time for any reason any member of Katsucon staff, KEI, or the GNRCC asks you to remove your mask, you must do so immediately. Failure to do so will result in ejection from the convention.
Props may be carried with the following rules:
- All props must conform to the weapons policy.
- Large props are not allowed in all areas of the convention (Ex. Vendors Hall and Main Events). Please plan to store any large props in either your hotel room (or a friend’s hotel room), vehicle, or other storage arrangement before entering these areas.
KEI, the Katsucon event, GNRCC, or any of the above groups’ staff or volunteers will not watch or hold any props for you and are not responsible for any lost or misplaced props.
Cosplay Is Not Consent! No Means NO! You should always ask for a picture to be taken. Everyone has different comfort zones. You should never place your hands on anyone that you do not have explicit consent from. This can make anyone uncomfortable; and ruin their entire experience. Please respect that, and always act on the side of caution.
If you feel like you need to talk to someone, seek out any staff member. Look for the people with the vertical aligned badges. If you feel a staff member or a volunteer has been inappropriate, ask to speak to Katsucon leadership, ask for a Chair, or ask for anyone in our Human Resources team. Katsucon Public Safety Staff will assist you with contacting them immediately.
NOTE: Katsucon’s Costume Policy is subject to change before, during, or after the convention, and changes may be made with or without advance notice or written notification. The Katsucon Convention Chairman, KEI, or their designees, as well as the Gaylord National staff (as directed through Katsucon staff) have the right to reject any costume for any reason. All decisions are final.
Questions or concerns can be sent to [email protected]
Photography Policy
Below is a statement from our Press Liaison that should answer most questions regarding our Photography policy:
“Katsucon has no restrictions on photography using handheld equipment. Our only concern is that such activities do not impair the flow of foot traffic through convention spaces. However, photography requiring dedicated floor space and/or free-standing equipment to include lighting or other electronics in convention spaces must be requested and granted from the convention’s leadership in advance. This will ensure that sufficient and safe space is available prior to any photo shoots. If sufficient space is not available, Katsucon will suggest convention provided areas for such photographic activities. Professional photography outside of convention spaces, such as the hotel lobby, rooms, or exterior, is outside the control of Katsucon and as such would be subject to the rules and provisions of the hotel itself.”
Filming Disclaimer
By attending Katsucon, you will be subject to the following agreement:
I, [your name], have been made aware that Katsucon is being filmed by the Video Productions Dept. I automatically agree that either I will make the film crew aware if I do not wish to be filmed OR I automatically agree to be filmed and am giving permission to Katsucon, and anyone affiliated to use the footage without compensation or acknowledgement. Camera operators can be approached at any time with any questions or concerns.